AI bees Solutions: How We Work

Hire Your Dream Team of Growth Hackers, Use AI Data-Driven Tools For Accurate Decision-Making, Learn About Latest Marketing Trends & Grow Your Business Fast!

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AI Nectar

AI Nectar

We use proprietary, patented AI and machine learning algorithms to identify businesses that can potentially be your best clients. We then engage those clients with your content to generate quality leads for you.

Identify Ideal Prospects
AI Memory

AI Memory

Using top lookalike companies, we enhance your account and use it to target prospects that are similar to your best clients. Our AI solution would identify lookalike companies and find opportunities to promote your solution or services.

Target Top Lookalike Companies
AI Harvest

AI Harvest

Harvesting the companies generated by our AI Engines allow us to pinpoint specific personas, who need your solutions and services. We target each specific persona’s pain points and consider what triggers them to avail your solutions and services.

Trigger Persona Pain Points

Make Loss Impossible with the AI bees Guarantee of 100% Performance-Based Marketing

If we don’t deliver results for you, the loss is on us.

Behavioral Profile

Behavioral Profile

We analyze behavioral profiles to target a specific persona who would benefit the most with your solution or service. With that information, we can create a persona branding that focuses on pain points that would affect their task and can be addressed by your solution.

The objective of understanding each persona's behavior is to discover opportunities to optimize the messaging that quantifies the value of your solution to their business.

A personalized messaging that directly targets a persona's pain points will effectively resonate with them and trigger the need to pursue your solution.

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Psychographic Proflie

Psychographic Profile

We perform a qualitative analysis from the psychographic profiling of each potential prospect's interest, temperament, personality, quirks, habits, and other idiosyncrasies to understand what influences them in choosing your solution or services. 

Targeting their profile allows us to focus on a strategy that scratches the prospect's itch when marketing. We create compelling messaging with which your prospects can resonate more, while making it all more effective to your target market.

It is an effective tool in reaching out to prospects by diving deeper into their motivation to choose your solution or service. We produce qualitative analysis from extensive research, data analytics, and customer outreach.

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GEO Demographic Profile

Geo-Demographic Profile

As one of the most straightforward paths in market segmentation, understanding the market-based on a prospect Geo-Demographic profiles completely depends on how the data is analyzed. We took it towards the next step by creating a data-based analysis that focuses on each demographic variation's similarities and differences. The focus is to target demographics with a market preference for your specific solution and how a campaign should start. 

Being one of the most straightforward paths in market segmentation, understanding the market based on a prospect's Geo-Demographic profiles completely depends on how the data is being analyzed.

We focus on bringing your solution close to what a demographic would expect by using messaging that resonates across different regions.

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