Phoebe Cris Cruz

Senior Account Manager
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Phoebe Cris Cruz

B2B lead nurturing

B2B Lead Nurturing: Practical ways and strategies

Turn passive leads into loyal customers with strategic B2B lead nurturing. Discover proven tactics to nurture relationships and drive impactful sales growth.

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Lead generation tools

45 Lead Generation Tools to Supercharge Your Sales [+Guidebook]

Discover the most powerful lead-generation tools to turbocharge your sales efforts. Capture, segment, and convert leads like never before!

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Importance of lead generation

The Importance Of Lead Generation: Essential for Business Success

Learn why it’s essential for you to implement effective lead-generation strategies to attract, engage, and convert potential customers into loyal ones.

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How to Cut Costs With Outsourcing Appointment Setting

How To Save Costs Through Outsourcing Appointment Setting

Learn how to optimize your business by outsourcing appointment setting. Cut costs, enhance quality, and increase productivity. Read our expert guide now!

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How To Become A Successful Appointment Setter

How To Become A Successful Appointment Setter

Learn how to become a successful appointment setter with our tips and strategies. Boost your sales performance by mastering appointment-setting skills.

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lead generation strategies

Lead Generation Strategies: Inbound and Outbound Tactics

Dive into the essentials of lead generation. Harness the power of both inbound and outbound to maximize your business growth.

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Advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing

Social Media Marketing: Advantages & Disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing can be leveraged for your strategies. Know the trends to make informed decisions and up your start.

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ethical issues in digital marketing

Top Ethical Issues in Digital Marketing To Solve in 2024

What are ethical issues in digital marketing + ‍The Importance of Market Research | Be familiar with top Companies with Ethical Branding and Marketing | AI-bees

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B2B sales outsourcing

2024 Updated and Complete Guide for B2B Sales Outsourcing

Outsourcing is the best way to increase business revenue. This article is your complete guide to the best B2B Sales Outsourcing for 2024 and onwards. | AI bees

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Types of lead generation

Exploring The Different Types of Lead Generation

Learn about different types of lead generation, such as inbound, outbound, and alternative methods, that are effective at growing your company.

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Brand vs product marketing

2024 Forecast in Brand vs Product Marketing

Brand vs. product marketing differ from one another, and has been a long-time feud, but read on how both can transform your marketing plan. | AI bees

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B2B SaaS Tactics and key metrics

The Best B2B SaaS Tactics and Key Metrics for 2024 [Updated + Guidebook]

B2B SaaS is today's prevalent business model. This article is your practical guide to learning tactics, understanding KPIs, and driving your business to grow.

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B2B Sales Consulting Strategies for SaaS Companies

B2B sales consulting strategies can help your SaaS company uncover business opportunities. Read about the services from consultants you might want to try. | AI bees

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Becoming a Growth Marketer

Understand and Becoming a Growth Marketer

Are growth and traditional marketing the same? Find out why some marketers are suspicious of growth marketing and what it means to be a growth marketer. | AI bees

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Is Content Marketing Better Than Social Media Marketing?

Content Marketing or Social Media Marketing?

Is Content Marketing the same as Social Media Marketing? Learn the difference between Content Marketing vs Social Media Marketing. | AI bees

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Importance of data-driven marketing

Importance of Data-driven Growth Marketing in 2024 | AI bees

Data-driven marketing is a strategy for increasing the effectiveness of B2B marketing by providing it with more facts. Learn to leverage it for better results. | AI bees

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Ethical issues in sales and marketing

Resolving Ethical Issues in Sales and Marketing

5 Ethical issues in sales and marketing need to be resolved as many salespeople see that it's imperative to bridge their differences. Find out how. | AI bees

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SaaS marketing strategies

Top Saas Marketing Strategies You Should Try in 2024

SaaS marketing strategies are about finding the right audience and delivering a message. Want to do that effectively? Here are the top strategies for 2024. | AI bees

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Top Remarketing Campaign Ideas

Remarketing is essential for improving conversions. However, there are no easy tactics. Find out which remarketing campaign is worth implementing.

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Top eCommerce Email Marketing Strategy for your 2023 Campaigns

Best eCommerce Email Marketing Strategy for your Campaigns

The eCommerce email marketing strategy of your dreams is here! Get the best email marketing campaign strategy for your business’ 2023 Campaigns.| AI bees

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Why Industrial Marketing is Important in the Manufacturing Industry

In this article, we provide information about what industrial marketing means, its importance, and its benefits to the manufacturing industry.

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