Do you ever notice that after visiting a website or online store, the same ads for that site follow you around the internet?

That's not just a coincidence.

Remarketing is a highly effective advertising technique that businesses can use to increase their sales and conversion rates.

You may be surprised that 97% of visitors who leave your website never return.

But why? Because there is so much information available online and so many advertisements are seen daily, it is simple for customers to forget about your brand after only seeing it once.

This is why any online marketing strategy must include retargeting as a key component.

In this beginner's guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of remarketing, including what it is, how it functions, and how to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

So, if you're ready to take your advertising game to the next level, keep reading!

What is Remarketing? 

how remarketing functions bring back leads to your website

Remarketing is a frequent and popular digital marketing method in which advertisers deliver adverts to people who have visited their specific website or web page and have taken or have not taken a particular action.

It's an excellent technique to reach out to folks who have already expressed an interest in your company or brand.

It's possible to realize a 161% conversion rate from Google campaigns.

161% conversion rate from remarketing.

Therefore, many businesses are employing this strategy to increase their business leads.

Remarketing Example for Better Understanding 

To understand remarketing better, consider that you manage an online clothes business and that a customer comes to your site, looks at a few items, but eventually decides not to buy anything.

Remarketing allows you to display advertising for the same person's previously viewed goods on later visits to other websites or platforms, such as Facebook or Instagram.

For instance, consumers may come across a store advertisement for the products they browsed on your website as they go through their Facebook page.

This can assist in rekindling their interest in your goods and nudge them toward returning and making a purchase.

Remarketing vs. Retargeting: What is the Difference? 

Although retargeting and remarketing are frequently used interchangeably, they have some significant distinctions.

Strategy is the primary distinction.

Retargeting focuses mainly on delivering advertisements to potential buyers based on cookies, whereas remarketing typically relies on email.

Remarketing works by compiling user data and building lists that are then utilized to send sales emails later.

Although retargeting and remarketing are powerful strategies, combining the two may be the best course to increase your digital marketing activity and maximize your revenue.

What is Behavioral Retargeting? 

If you've heard about behavioral retargeting, it's another (longer!) way of expressing retargeting.

You use behavioral retargeting when you target clients based on their prior online behavior, such as the websites they visited, how long they spent on each page and the links they clicked.

Retargeting is similar in that it entails remarketing to those who have already visited a specific website, clicked a particular link, or engaged in any other action you specify.

The focus of modern digital marketing, including remarketing, is entirely on the preferences and actions of the consumer.

After all, these are the most effective ways for marketers to learn what their clients want and gain their attention.

Types of Remarketing Based on User Engagement? 

When carrying on your B2B sales campaigns, you should consider these types of remarketing:

Pricing Page Visitors

Compared to someone who views the homepage, a customer who visits a pricing page is more along in their product study.

They can examine the individual features offered by each price tier and compare expenses with those of competitors.

Visitors to pricing pages can be segmented by category to develop an audience with better intent than you would get by targeting all visitors collectively.

These people may be more likely to respond to a call to action for a product demo or a sales call. 

You may also compile a resource containing advice on assessing goods in your sector, which might interest consumers in comparing goods.

For instance, my former customer who marketed board management software provided a worksheet for assessing board software while retargeting advertisements on display and social media to persuade previous visitors to enter their email addresses.

Industry-Specific Page Visitors

Audience segmentation can be challenging when marketing to people in specialized sectors.

You can create distinct remarketing audiences for each industry-specific page on your website if you have them.

In essence, you'll now make buckets out of those who have raised their hands and indicated that they are interested in services for a specific industry.

You can target industry-specific advertising to communicate directly to these folks based on their needs.

Create a guide for real estate developers to use our software for lead monitoring. This will help attract visitors and customers to their website. 

Cross-Channel Remarketing

Build remarketing segments for site visitors from particular channels and campaigns to capitalize on cross-channel opportunities fully.

It is an excellent method for transferring audience targeting settings between platforms. Also, you might benefit from lower charges for remarketing on some platforms compared to others.

For instance, if you are running LinkedIn Ads, you should target users who clicked an ad from a campaign directed at C-suite executives.

Using a URL-based audience, you can efficiently target the individuals who meet the LinkedIn profile targeting requirements using any other channel, paying the reduced prices of a network like Google Display.

When creating a remarketing audience, you can paste the landing page and related tags into the URL Includes area if you tag your links with a consistent UTM structure.

By leveraging their built-in targeting, this solution enables you to pay for LinkedIn visits upfront without incurring the exorbitant fees LinkedIn charges for remarketing on their site.

Cart Abandoners 

Shoppers who abandoned the checkout process had added a product they wanted to their cart.

This advertising may be remarketed to individuals to entice them to revisit the website and complete their transactions.

A special offer could persuade customers to return and complete their purchases. But it would be ideal if you were cautious so that people didn't just start to assume they could trick the system to get a discount.

Reiterating your brand's selling points at this time is also beneficial. For instance, mention it in marketing if you provide a two-year warranty, whereas most of your competitors only do so for one year.

You can convert someone from being indifferent to being in the buying mood by making a case for drawing them back in.

Previous Purchasers  

If a customer previously purchased from your website, you may remarket to persuade them to do so again.

Depending on the kind of goods purchased, you may choose to promote different products at different times in the future. For instance, someone who recently purchased a new backpack could be receptive to buying accessories like a trekking pole.

If someone orders a printer, they probably won't need another one immediately, but they might require replacement ink cartridges six months later.

Take your time with this; if you do, consumers may become annoyed and think less favorably of your brand after purchasing.

Higher Funnel Converters 

It frequently takes a lengthy procedure with numerous touchpoints, especially in B2B marketing, to convert a prospect into a sale.

Building a crowd of audience members who are interested enough to raise their hands can be accomplished by offering a downloadable resource, such as a handbook, or by inviting individuals to register for a webinar.

Then, you may create remarketing lists for individuals based on those who download higher-funnel assets, launching a new campaign that targets individuals who respond to lower-funnel calls to action, like requesting a product demo.

You could use lead form retargeting in Meta or LinkedIn or target this through a website pixel (reaching those who have already filled out a specific form) (matching people who have filled out an in-platform form).

By considering the target personas' buying stages, remarketing strategies can be developed for customers who engage at each stage of the purchasing process.

Page Engagers

The Meta Ads interface offers Facebook/Instagram page engagement audiences as another option to track user intent away from your website.

When users like or comment on one of your Facebook posts, they express interest in what you say.

a Facebook Page custom Audience.

The various ways of  targeting people can be based on the following criteria:

  • Those who like or follow your page.
  • Everybody who interacted with your page.
  • Everyone that came to your page.
  • People interacted with any post or advertisement.
  • Someone pressed any call to action button.
  • Those who messaged you on your page.
  • Individuals who have saved your SEO article or page.

You can also mix these criteria to include or exclude individuals from a specific group.

For instance, you can connect with visitors to your page who need to be fans or followers.

You may also retarget users who interacted with your single image advertising using LinkedIn.

You can limit it to pay-per-click engagement or choose any engagement (those who clicked, responded, or commented).

Data Gathering: How Does Remarketing Work?

You must collect information about your remarketing audience to conduct your campaigns successfully.

The two main methods for gathering an audience list are as follows:

1. Pixel-Based Remarketing

This is one of the most popular methods of audience collecting.

When you create a campaign with a specific ad network, you will receive a little piece of code (a pixel tag) to put on your website.

The code will leave an anonymous browser cookie on each new user's browser and add them to your retargeting list each time they visit your website.

The system will show your advertisement to the same user when they visit a different website hosting native or display ads from your ad network supplier. As long as your campaign is still running, this will happen.

And due to the importance of tracking, it is crucial to advertise on platforms that employ first-party data.

Start making plans now for the tools and strategies that will enable you to remarket in the future because the cookieless world is already a reality.

2. List-Based Remarketing

Using lists of current clients or site visitors who have given you their email addresses allows you to retarget them with specific adverts.

This method of remarketing is known as list-based remarketing.

For instance, you might want free trial customers to upgrade to a paid plan or your blog subscribers to download an ebook they've been ignoring on a pop-up ad on your blog. 

List-based remarketing is a viable option for carrying out both scenarios. You can start by simply uploading your list of email contacts into your remarketing platform. From there, your audience will begin to see your advertising as they surf the web. Also, you can send your audience tailored emails that encourage them to return to your brand.

Goals for Remarketing

Awareness: You can retarget visitors with awareness campaigns to inform them of the characteristics of your products and other announcements.

Because it's aimed at customers who have yet to interact with your company much, this objective is less focused.

As a lead-up to your conversion campaigns, you can create awareness campaigns.

Percentage of brands enjoying paid advertising

Conversion: You want website visitors to recognize your brand's performance to maximize conversion rates.

The next move is to get them to click on the advertisement, take them to a post-click landing page, and persuade them to fill out a form.

Benefits of Remarketing: Why is Everyone Doing It?

Why would you spend your time and money on remarketing strategies? 

First, according to Digital Agency Network, 11% of brands use retargeting methods (like remarketing) to gain their competitors' customers, 56% use them to gain customers, and 43% use them for brand awareness.

See the diagram below.

Statistical reasons for using remarketing.

Here are the benefits of remarketing.

1. Remarketing Ensures That People Continue to Think of Your Brand

Perhaps someone was interested in your products or services but needed to remember about you. Your ad reminds them of you, so they browse your site again. Retargeting's recurrent brand exposure is a key benefit you'll want to use.

2. Remarketing Targets the Best Audience

Marketing requires you to target the correct audience. A vested audience is the most relevant audience for your business. Visitors to your site will be the most receptive to your adverts. Your marketing efforts will fail if your audience doesn't buy. Therefore, remarketing is excellent for targeting the right audience.

3. Remarketing is Well-timed

Retargeting is all about perfect timing.

It's hard to tell if consumers need your product or service right now with conventional marketing methods, especially those that target a specific population.

When advertising to your audience at the proper time—when they're most interested in your products—you can get better results in remarketing than traditional marketing.

4. Remarketing Lowers Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment occurs when users add products to their cart and get distracted or leave without them. Remarketing minimizes this. 

Thankfully, retargeting is an effective countermeasure.

An abandoned cart email reminds customers to finish their transaction, and many do. When cart abandonment reduces, the online conversions for businesses increase. This promotes more sales for businesses.

5. Remarketing Boosts Conversions

All the reasons above are great remarketing benefits, but only a few work together to boost conversion rates. What is it? Conversions are the goal of all your marketing.

When done correctly, remarketing can boost conversion rates. Also, it can target the right audience at the right time with ads that remind them to return to your site, thus increasing sales.

As a result, your business's conversion rate increases.

6. It Results in High ROAS

The final benefit of remarketing is that it boosts return on ad investment (ROAS).

ROAS measures how much money you gain from marketing compared to how much you spend on an ad campaign. Your ROAS will increase with remarketing.

Remarketing targets the right audience to achieve more conversions than other techniques, resulting in more sales and money.

For better memory, here is a visual summary of the benefits.

remarketing benefits.

What are the Different Types of Remarketing Campaigns?

Marketing professionals have a one-of-a-kind chance to connect with website visitors who left without making a purchase when using remarketing campaigns, which use tailored advertising or emails.

These remarketing messages raise the possibility that visitors will return to your post-click landing page and take action.

By promoting brand awareness among interested consumers and driving sales activity on your websites, this type of marketing eventually helps you boost ROI.

Let's look at the six main types of remarketing campaigns:

1. Standard/Display Remarketing 

The most popular sort of remarketing is display remarketing. It entails reaching visitors who have already visited your website by employing paid advertising, especially display adverts or ads that appear in the margins of other websites.

This happens on platforms that all function in a similar manner. They utilize cookies to monitor website traffic and display adverts for your items to users who visit your site.
Google Adwords is one of the most significant platforms for displaying remarketing ads among those available. If you use Google AdWords, consumers will see your ads when they visit websites that are part of Google Display.

2. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

It is also called search remarketing. Search remarketing is a typical example of retargeting.

Although it employs paid advertising on search engine results pages rather than display adverts, search remarketing performs similar tasks to indicate remarketing (SERPs).

Remarketing lists for search ads is the name of this function in Google AdWords (RLSA). It works by tracking visitors to particular pages on your website, much like display remarketing.

Yet, it targets consumers through their Google searches instead of on websites owned by third parties.

An example of a search ad.

With an Ad bearing a label in the top corner, these paid search ads seem like organic results.

They frequently appear above the organic rankings, which makes them very successful at attracting clicks.

3. Dynamic Remarketing

Unlike the first two types, dynamic remarketing is distinctive not because of its format but rather because of the information it contains.

Although dynamic remarketing advertising can take many different shapes, what makes them unique is that each user sees them differently.

Dynamic advertising is a technique that targets consumers based on their activity on your website, which is usually related to a specific product or service.

If someone visits your web and looks at the pressure cooker you're offering, they might see an advertisement for that item later. Because it is tailored to each user, dynamic remarketing is a remarkably effective retargeting method.

A specific advertisement for the product or service of interest may be more effective than a general advertisement for your company in attracting customers.

4. Video Remarketing 

The idea of video remarketing is straightforward: it is just remarketing that uses video content.

For this kind of retargeting, YouTube is often the most direct channel. You can configure your video advertisements in Google AdWords as you configure your display or search ads.

Your YouTube advertising will generally start playing before or during other people's viewing of other videos. These ads should be catchy and brief so consumers won’t skip the ads out of boredom.

Users may see your advertisements when searching for other videos on YouTube and be reminded of their interest in your goods or services.

5. Email Remarketing 

Email is a terrific way to remarket to customers without using paid advertising.

Here is why.

According to Captain Words statistics:

  • To contact customers, 64% of small firms use email marketing.
  • 78% of marketers agree that an effective email marketing campaign is essential to a business.
  • To naturally share content, 87% of marketers employ email marketing campaigns.
  • And 99% of email users check their emails daily, with some checking them 20 times daily.
Percentage email use.

Therefore, you may use email marketing to reach out to prospects who have subscribed to your list and offer them promotions and reminders. An email is an excellent form of remarketing for personalization. If you have mass emails that use each user's name specifically, they can be sent using email management services.

You can start by setting up quick forms on your website to request email addresses from visitors in exchange for things like a newsletter or exclusive discounts to start growing your email list. Then, you may start distributing the stuff you promised to everyone on your list.

Additionally, you can email website visitors who have left their carts unattended, urging them to finish their purchases. Also, you can suggest new products to customers who have already completed their conversion.

An example of email marketing.

6. Social Media Remarketing 

As you would have guessed, the last retargeting is social media remarketing, which involves advertising to users on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

In-feed or social media remarketing ads appear in consumers' social network feeds. Just by using filters, you can target specific individuals. One is to target visitors who have visited particular pages on your website, following the same strategy as the other types on this list.

But you may also target individuals based on how they interact with your social media. For instance, those who have saved one of your articles or visited your page can be your target audience on Facebook.

Look at an example of a remarketing ad below.

Facebook remarketing ad.

Tips to Optimize Your Remarketing Campaigns 

How would you ensure that you fully gain the benefits of remarketing? By optimizing your remarketing campaigns. How?

1. Make your Customer Purchase Again 

Remarketing campaigns, by definition, follow a transactional prospect until they purchase your product. Changing the offering to meet the user's wants is necessary to keep them as clients.

Here’s a sample scenario: An advertisement for the same product or another camera should be kept from a customer who recently bought a Nikon D3100 Digital SLR camera.

The client might have gotten a better deal if they had waited to buy, which could have led to the buyer's regret at the feature/functionality level.

Instead, advertise peripherals like compatible lenses or memory cards.

2. Don't Annoy Your Targets 

One of the reasons salespeople have a negative reputation is that some seeds constantly ask the same questions of prospects without providing any new information.

This demonstrates you need to know your clients or care about them if you continue to include a converted client in a remarketing campaign without upgrading the questions.

You should expect faultless service for purchase throughout the first several weeks.

By refraining from making repeated requests, you can let your customers know how much you respect their business.

3. Use Relevant Websites

Don't advertise on every website, especially irrelevant websites. Your brand must continue to be selective about where it uses self-promotional tactics.

After a successful remarketing campaign, it is important to evaluate whether the customer opportunity can be developed on the domain it was initially collected on or if a different domain would be more effective.

Although remarketing is a largely automatic process, it is crucial that the consumer can understand the purchase history, even if only subconsciously.

4. Demographics in Remarketing 

Filtering out irrelevant impressions (those that are unlikely to convert or result in wasted spend) is one of the significant issues advertisers have to solve in their campaigns and is a difficult task.

The risk with remarketing is that it includes all IP addresses by default, which leaves out people who are aspirational researchers as opposed to transactional customers.

Even if most people use the Internet, the population has an inherent income gap, and a premium product primarily cares about people of particular age or income groups.

Remarketing is based on consumer behavior. For instance, bombarding a student looking for their first significant camera with a DLSR camera is wasteful.

It makes sense to target users looking for their next camera and have a purchase window of 30 to 60 days.

5. Segment Your Remarketing Campaigns 

Keep in mind that all website visitors are different. To more effectively address the requirements and wishes of your clients, segment both your remarketing and retargeting efforts.

You can choose to be more aggressive or more nurturing with your remarketing depending on factors like length of site visit, number of pages viewed, and visited.

Also, you can design various Calls to Action (CTAs) with links to goal-based web pages for each segmented ad group, depending on the success of the sales funnel.

To lead your prospects to a sale, track your conversion rates and develop process segments.

6. Focus on Shopping Cart

When visitors visit specific landing pages, you know they are more interested in your company and its offerings. This includes abandoned shopping carts and lead generation pages like webinars and ebooks.

Once they have departed, encourage those lost leads to return and complete your conversion process.


You can adjust your remarketing bid strategy to spend more on warmer traffic by boosting your ad spend and lowering frequency capping on conversion landing pages.

Did you know retargeting cart abandoners can boost conversion rates by up to 26%? A quarter of customers like being reminded of previously looked-at products. (Hal Archives, Skai)


Remarketing has become an essential strategy for companies looking to engage with their clients and improve conversion rates.

Businesses may build a tailored experience that keeps their brand top-of-mind by employing targeted adverts to contact users who have expressed interest in their goods or services.

Therefore, businesses may increase their ROI and create enduring customer relationships by embracing remarketing.

Need Help With Better Marketing?

We at AI bees are aware of the difficulties that marketing faces.

We provide cutting-edge AI-driven marketing solutions to optimize campaigns and increase ROI.

Our team of specialists is available to help if you want to advance your marketing initiatives.

Thanks to our sophisticated analytics and machine learning algorithms, we can give you individualized insights and recommendations that cater to your unique needs.

In addition, we have the resources and know-how to accomplish your goals, whether they involve raising brand awareness, boosting website traffic, or improving lead-generating strategies.

Why wait? 

Contact us immediately if you need marketing assistance, and we'll be happy to demonstrate how our AI-driven solutions can help you accomplish your objectives and expand your company.